martes, octubre 31

Pink Sunsets at four

Vancouver... a very cold version of the promised land.
I knew about the red, orange and brown colors of the fall, but no one told me about the pinks and purples and magentas in the trees.
How strange, to see all these colors in the trees. I had only known green trees. And flowers of any color you can imagine. Only in this climate, the trees have to make up for the lack of flowers by becoming a raibow within themselves.
Every and anywhere you look, there is a blast of color in the leaves, that will not stay attached to the mossy trees for long.

The sea looks quiet, peaceful, frozen in time. Although, probably not only in time, since the temperature y below 0 degrees.

The cities all look brand new, and compared to the ones we are used to, they are. No city is older than a couple hundred years, and as we well know, those are just minutes for a country like Mexico.

The native people of Brittish Columbia live in reservations, very poor reservations. Even though Canadians seem to care about them, and even created a museum of anthropology dedicated to them and their way of life. I visited that musuem a couple of days ago, and was astoundes at how ably they can carve wood, but also at how they have managed to stay "pure". For the most part, white people and the natives hav not mixed. That is something I can't understand, the mixture of races is natural, that is why in Mexico we think of ourselves as part of the natives, and we think of the original nations (as they are called in here) as part of our history, not as a parallel o separate world. The only thing I found in common is the fact that both the indiguenous people of Mexico and of Brittish Columbia do not belong to the favoured portions of society.

It is amazing how a building cannot exist on saturday, an by tuesday it is finished. That is how easily everything is built and torn down and rebuilt in here. That is why everything always looks brand new.
That and the fact that people really make an effort to keep their world clean. Canadians prefer to ride the train than to pollute with cars. Hybrid cars are everywhere, and garbage is nowhere. PEople are always friendly to you, but never critical or judgamental. Strangers do not get mingled in your affairs, they do not notice how you look, or what you are wearing, or what color your skin is.
But they will smile and be on their way.

... And this is only my third day here!!

martes, octubre 17

Late again

Si, estoy en la escuela y sí, debería estar en clases. Pero no lo estoy.
Estoy en mi autoimpuesto exilio escolar.
Exilio que es llamado cada que llego tarde a clases y el maestro no se entera que ese es mi estilo y no me deja entrar...
Pero no me afecta, estoy contenta, y así voy a permanecer.
Es cierto, tengo hambre.
También es cierto, tengo dos semanas que no duermo más de cuatro horas contínuas.
Así como es cierto que estoy un poco presionada por el hecho de que este cuatrimestre es el último escolar.
Pero estoy contenta.
Es del tipo de estrés que se disfruta. Excepto el hambre. Y no, no quiero un snickers. Y la próxima persona que me diga "cómete un snickers" va a conocer mi cara de no felicidad.
Sí, que ruda y que´.
También hay que tomar en cuenta que llevo dos semanas enferma y no tengo señas aparentes de mejorar rápidamente.
Y que necesito un poco de sangre en mi torrente cafeínico.
Pero todo tranquilo.
Sin novedad en el frente, capitán.

Por cierto, déjenme presumirles que el 28 me voy a trabajar durante una semana a un despacho corporativo muy fregón. Desafortunadamente sólo es una semana porque no puedo faltar más a clases.

A la cual ya voy tarde... por segunda ocasión en este post.
De modo que mejor ahi la dejamos y los leo luego

martes, octubre 10


Un día frío. Un poco de lluvia, aroma a tierra mojada.
Un abrigo calientito y cómodo, tal vez una bufanda.
Estar oyendo vintage rock.
Con Borre.
En la mano una taza de café arábigo brasileño.
Acompañado de algo con chocolate.
Después de comida italiana.
Linguini sardegna. Con una copa de vino tinto. Californiano, afrutado, fuerte. De preferencia un Zinfandel.
Sin presiones de tiempo.
En algun lugar que sea siempre tranquilo.
Y verde.
Donde haya algunos palominos, algunos lipizzanos, o algunos andaluces.
Todos purasangre.

Bueno, y World Peace!